Spare of A Girl's Thoughts

"Life is not about finding our self, but how we create it" It's about a girl who is very fascinated about life, but yet hasn't got enough about it. She's kinda stuck between the reminiscent and the future all about but always looking forward to move on and wishing someday, neither force or vengeance would be able to restraint her from her very own freedom.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

:: Before We Leave...

Ngga bisa deh yg namanya disuruh tunggu di rumah aja, berdiam diri berjam-jam menunggu jam 11 malam. Nah! Yang ada kita malah masih sempet2in cari barang2 titipan di pasar, ngurusin tetek bengek di city yang...ahhh..ngga ada abisnya!

Sampai akhirnya kita pikir, gak ada salahnya pergi ke tempat yang ngga terlalu jauh...tapi 'worth it' untuk diliat. And the choice would be Mt. Dandenong. It took about an hour or less, we pretty enjoyed it. Biarpun pake mobil sewaan murah yg powernya diragukan..tapi bisa tuh pulang lagi kesini on time. Sempet posting segala lagi...hehe.

All bags are packed and I think I'm ready to go. Keep in touch, shall we?

:: Going Home(?)

For your announcement, I'll be away to Indo from tonite until the end of February.

Heran, setiap pulang ke 'rumah', kok kayanya ngga se-excited seperti klo mau pulang ke sini. 'Pulang'?
Sebenernya yg mana sih yang bisa disebut rumah. Kata orang, "Home is the place where the heart is". Hmmm...klo begitu, in my case, Indo is no longer 'home' for me... Conclusion, judul postingan kali ini diganti aja sama ini: "Away for Holiday". Hehe. Sounds right?

Wish me a nice and safe holiday, then :)