Nail Bitting
I got this habit since I was a little girl in elementary school. I never allow my nail to grow longer because when it grows by 1mm and I'll bite it for 1.5mm. Haha. That's why I never buy a nail color or do manicure things.
This habit was started by this terrible experience happened to me. When I was 6 or 7 yo, I went to my friend's house and met her auntie there. Her auntie was very nice then she offered me to colour my nails like hers. Her nails were all red and because I was only a little girl at that time, off course I wanted to try! So she did my little nails. They were pretty but it turned scarry when I realized something later at night. I had to go to school on the next day and of course I couldn't go with those cherry red nails! My teacher would become so angry with me. So I cried. Yes I did. *was I really cute? grins* I cried so bad and I demanded my mom to remove those colors! Unfortunately, my mom doesn't have any nail colour, so off course she didn't have the remover. Then I tried so hard using the scissors try to remove them from my nail but I couldn't.
Then, finally my dad was pity on me. And late at night he drove me to my friend's house and got me nail remover. I stopped crying and was so relief when I saw my nails back to clear again. Since then I promised myself that I wouldn't do such a stupid thing again! Silly huh? Silly but it's true.
And I still have this habit until now. I will start bitting my nails especially when I get nervous. I'll bite my nails unconsciously even though it hurts. Now I get used to it. Even though it's bleeding I'll be fine. It numbs. And I'll do it again and again. Not to mention how many people keep telling me that it is not good for me and for my nail beauty sake, I keep stick with it. I see so many nail arts nowadays in magazines but still they don't change my mind.
I just think I won't be able to type properly on keyboard or writting fast with ten long nails. I also couldn't imagine how I would tap my tambourine without scratching the surface nor breaking my nails. It's just so not practical. I think. I also couldn't imagine myself looking and taking care of my polished nails while I'm washing the dishes or cleaning the kitchen. Oh dear...let just make this complicated life...simple!
Today I went to pharmacy to buy something until I saw this product on the shelves. The product is labelled, Stop and Grow. It says it will help you to get rid of nail bitting habit because it tastes terrible so you won't put those fingers on your lips again. Ha..interesting!
Now...should I try it...anyone???
I think it's a good idea to try that product. Since you said you usually bite your nails unconsciously, having those horrible taste would help remind you that biting nails is a horrible habit, don't you think?
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